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Justin Sane
30 Apr 2023 4:41 am
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371 posts
How transgenderism used to interface with society, used to be very much along the lines of - 'you live your life, and I live mine'. This was all perfectly maintainable and could have continued until the sun grew cold and life on Earth ended, and no one would care. About 10 years ago however, Feminism appropriated transgenderism as yet another pile of societal grievances and perceived injustices that they could poke the patriarchy in the eye about (and no, they had no respect for the self-defeating irony of any of this).

And so the activist aspect of transgenderism was born and given a solid platform to screech, bitch and moan from. The platform also provided a solid structure to create political pressure, permeate our education system with modern gender theory along with our news media, political parties, and corporate HR department policies.

To understand the anger this has created, you need to understand that from our perspective, our tolerance for what was, is and always will be an absolute load of bollocks, has been utterly abused and used against us to steam-roller in to place societal developments that none of us would ever want, agree to, are insane beyond belief and creating nothing but social chaos and degradation of our conventions, policies and social contracts. People have noticed this is happening, they've noticed the toxic nonsense their kids' heads are being filled with in school, they see the persistent, and increasing sexualisation of kids with respect to transgenderism and they quite rightly have had enough of it. People are reacting in a hostile manner to transgenderism, because the activist nature of transgenderism is now attempting a hostile takeover of normal society.

All of it is hostile - right from the lies and garbage at the heart of their concepts, right through to the grotesque social implications of embracing this ****. People are right to be **** off, they're right to be fighting back. We can't have our social and political policy governed by mental illness, and expect good outcomes

No, I'm not raking through history to 'provide links'. If you can't directly dispute a point, then question your own links.
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